Tag Archives: joint pain

Anterior Approach: Total Hip Replacement

One of the largest joints in the body is the hip, and over time, it can become damaged due to issues like arthritis, a fracture, bone tumors, or hip disease. Alleviating the pain and discomfort caused by an unhealthy hip often calls for total hip replacement surgery. A common procedure, a total hip replacement calls for the bone and cartilage to be removed and replaced with an artificial hip, which can be made of metal, plastic, and ceramic. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, approximately 300,000 total hip replacements occur every year in the United States.

Total hip replacement candidates typically experience symptoms such as:

  • Constant hip pain
  • Hip pain while walking or bending
  • Hip stiffness

There are multiple approaches to total hip replacement, including having the procedure done from behind the hip, to the side of the hip, or in front of the hip. Anterior Approach Total Hip Replacement—meaning the incision is made on the front of the hip—provides the surgeon the ability to perform the surgery through a smaller incision. This surgical approach involves the spreading of a natural split between two large hip muscles, without cutting them. There is less damage to muscles, less pain, faster recovery, and a shorter hospital stay. Because the thick tendons and muscles behind the hip are not cut, patients with this procedure are also usually less likely to experience hip dislocation.

For more information, call 251-410-3600.

Rotator Cuff Repair

Rotator Cuff Repair

Rotator Cuff Repair

The rotator cuff is a critical part of the shoulder. Consisting of the muscles and tendons located at the shoulder joint, the rotator cuff attaches the shoulder to the upper arm, helping the shoulder function correctly and allowing for the arm to be raised.

Injuries to the rotator cuff, such as a strain or tear, are actually quite common. These injuries can happen quickly because of a sudden movement or occur over a slow period of time due to repetitive movements or overuse of the shoulder itself.

Some of the most common symptoms of a torn rotator cuff include:

  • Persistent pain

  • Limited use of the arm

  • Muscle weakness

Surgery may be the only option to repair a tear. There are multiple options for rotator cuff repair, including less invasive options like arthroscopy, which requires inserting a small camera into the shoulder joint. And, much of the time, surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis, not requiring the patient to stay at the hospital overnight. It’s important to talk with your doctor to determine which surgical option is right for you and your individual need.

For more information, call 251-410-3600.


Hip Replacement Surgery What You Should Know

Hip Replacement Surgery: What You Should Know

Hip Replacement Surgery What You Should Know

For many people who are affected by persistent hip pain or limited mobility, hip replacement surgery can
be a life-changing experience.

Hip replacement, also called total hip arthroplasty, is a common surgical procedure to replace a damaged, or worn out hip joint with a prosthetic implant. Not all patients will require a total replacement, others may only need a hemi or half replacement.

Of course, there are various reasons why someone would consult a joint specialist about hip replacement surgery. Typically, surgery may be an option after a hip injury (fracture/break) or severe pain due to arthritis.

Signs it may be time to consult a joint specialist:
– Hip pain while walking, sitting or using stairs
– Hip pain that keeps you awake at night
– Swelling or stiffness in the hip joint

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4 Tips to Picking the Right Backpack

4 Tips to picking the right backpack
As kids get older they are tasked with carrying home bigger books and more technology. Such heavy loads can create a burden on their young, growing bones, which may cause injury to their muscles and joints. It’s important to pick a backpack that will help share the load. Here are four tips to help you and your child, choose the best backpack that will stand up to the educational weight.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All 

Don’t buy your child a larger backpack with the expectation that they will grow into it. It is important to buy a bag that fits your child properly, now. A proper fitting backpack should sit just below your child’s shoulder blades and ends at their waist.

Keep it Light

Kids have enough to carry around, they don’t need their backpack to be heavy too. Be sure to pick a bag made of lightweight, yet sturdy fabric. Don’t let them overpack, take out any unnecessary items they won’t need and make sure their school allows them time to utilize a locker. Quick tip: Help reduce the weight of their bag by placing heavier items lower and toward the center of their bag.

Hot Wheels

Consider buying a backpack with wheels. These types of backpacks is the best way to keep unnecessary weight off your child’s shoulders. Also, make sure the bag is stable and easy to haul upstairs, if necessary.

Check the Straps

Look for a bag with wide, padded shoulder straps. These will help distribute the weight evenly and reduce the risk of muscle strain or injury. The padding should be made of durable foam that bounces back from your touch. Children should also use both straps of the bag, ensuring the weight isn’t burdening one side of the body. Tighten the straps so they are closer to their back to keep the weight close.

Keep an eye out for your children struggling to lift their heavy backpacks, and learn how to help ease their pain. Kids can lug around their backpacks for up to 12 hours a day. For more information call (251) 410-3600.

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Recipe for Easing Arthritis Pain

Did you know arthritis, or chronic inflammation, can be eased by adding these nutrients, found in this simple recipe, to your grocery cart? All you need is a fillet of fatty fish, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 glass of orange juice, 1 cup of cherries, 1 teaspoon of ginger and turmeric, and 1 cup of green tea.


Fatty Fish are Fantastic

Certain types of fish, like salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel, are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.  These fats fight inflammation and work to increase the health of your heart. Eating fish a few times a week will ease the pain of arthritis and keep the old ticker ticking.


Olive You

Olive oil contains healthy monounsaturated fats and a natural compound called oleocanthal which can help prevent inflammation. It combats your arthritis pain by blocking the same inflammatory pathways in the same way as ibuprofen or aspirin. Switch out your vegetable oil for extra virgin olive oil to increase your fight against arthritis.  


Orange You Glad I Didn’t Say Banana

The antioxidants in vitamin C can help slow the progression of osteoarthritis and promote the growth of collagen, a major component of bone cartilage. Start your day with a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and increase consumption of foods that are rich in vitamin C: grapefruits, guavas, kiwis, oranges, pineapples, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower and kidney beans.


Pretty Please, With a Cherry on Top

Cherries, especially tart ones, contain powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins which help reduce inflammation by stopping the production of inflammatory chemicals. They also can help maintain the health of your connective tissue. If cherries aren’t your thing, anthocyanins can also be found in other fruits including blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, boysenberries, elderberries, raspberries, strawberries, red and black grapes, and plums.


Spice Up Your Life

The spice turmeric contains a compound called curcumin which could be beneficial in managing chronic inflammatory-related joint disease such as arthritis. Turmeric has been used in India for centuries to ward off inflammatory diseases and is often found in traditional Indian cuisine, especially in curry powder. Ginger is another spice that contains chemicals that work similarly to anti-inflammatory medications, helping fight arthritis pain. Try steeping some fresh ginger with your daily cup of green tea or grate it into your favorite cocktail.


A Cup a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away

Unlike black tea, green tea contains a natural antioxidant called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Similar to the anthocyanins found in cherries, EGCG can reduce inflammation by stopping the production of inflammatory chemicals. This can help the cartilage from breaking down, which can help to preserve joint health. Start your morning off right with a steaming cup of green tea

If you’re arthritis pain persists, please make an appointment to see a specialist at AOC.

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Is it just a sore knee?

It’s a fact, kids play hard. However, while they’re playing and having fun, children don’t realize they are sore until it’s time for bed. As their bodies begin to relax, sore muscles and joints begin to ache; these aches are commonly called growing pains. However, if pain persists, it may be more than a sore muscle or joint, it could be juvenile arthritis. Here are a few tips to help you know the difference.

Growing Pains vs Juvenile Arthritis


What are growing pains?

Children who complain of growing pains, often describe pain or discomfort in their legs or arms. Growing pains tend to affect children at night; it is not uncommon for aches to wake children from their sleep. Don’t panic, although these aches are called growing pains, there is no evidence linking growth with pain. After all a child’s rate of growth is too piecemeal to cause pain.

Symptoms of Growing Pains

Symptoms of growing pains are pains in the muscle, rather than in the joints. Common spots include the front of the thighs, the calves and the backs of the knees. Pain typically does not last for long periods of time. If pain does persist, it may be time to call a pediatrician.  Quick tip: a warm bath before bed can help soothe sore muscles.

What is Juvenile Arthritis?

Yes, children can get arthritis. Juvenile arthritis affects children under the age of 17. Children who have juvenile arthritis may experience persistent pain, swelling and stiffness in their joints.

Symptoms of Juvenile Arthritis

Symptoms to watch out for are tenderness, pain, or swelling of the joints, limited range of motion, joint stiffness, and fatigue. If joint pain persists more than a week, make an appointment to see a doctor ASAP.

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