Tag Archives: Denver

Christopher Patton, MD Explains Patrick Mahomes Dislocated Knee

Christopher Patton, MD Explains Patrick Mahomes Dislocated Knee

Christopher Patton, MD Explains Patrick Mahomes Dislocated Knee

During a quarterback sneak against Denver, Patrick Mahomes dislocated his right patella (knee cap). The combination of a twist to the knee and the collision caused the patella to dislocate laterally.

It was gently put back in place by the medical staff on the field by extending the knee and pushing the patella back in place. This immediately reduced his pain. X-rays and MRI were needed to evaluate for any fracture of bone and to assess the ligaments that help keep the knee cap from dislocating again.

These studies also evaluated the alignment of the leg to see if he has predisposing factors for dislocation. Initial reports have stated that there is minimal damage to the structures around the patella. This could mean less missed playing time following rehabilitation.