Monthly Archives: August 2016

ACL Reconstruction Surgery

ACL Reconstruction Surgery

ACL Reconstruction Surgery

The anterior cruciate ligament, better known as the ACL, is one of four ligaments that hold the knee together. The ACL is also one of the most easily—and commonly—injured parts of the knee, especially for athletes. This type of injury frequently occurs in athletes who participate in high impact sports like football, basketball, hockey, and soccer. But, it can also happen even without impact from another player.

Symptoms of an ACL tear include:

  • Pain

  • Swelling

  • Instability of the knee

  • Loss of full range of motion

Approximately 200,000 ACL injuries occur every year in the United States, and on average, about half of those require ACL reconstruction surgery because once torn, ACLs generally cannot be repaired.

ACL reconstruction surgery is performed through a small incision in the front of the knee, it includes removing the torn ligament and replacing it with a new tendon, which can be taken from another part of the knee. It’s an outpatient procedure, so patients get to go home in the same day.

For more information, call 251-410-3600.

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Robert J. Zarzour, MD is retiring

After 36 Years Dr. Robert Zarzour is Retiring

Robert J. Zarzour, MD is retiring

After 36 years of providing excellent orthopaedic medical care, it is with mixed emotions that we announce the retirement of Alabama Orthopaedic Clinic surgeon, Robert J. Zarzour, MD.  As a beacon of patient centered care, Dr. Zarzour has been an integral part of our practice and will always be valued and respected.  His hard work, total patient commitment, and heart-felt dedication are worthy of great admiration.  Dr. Zarzour was one of the 3 original founding physicians of AOC and a driving force behind developing our current Outpatient Orthopaedic Center.

There is no doubt that Dr. Zarzour will be missed by the staff that he has worked so closely with, by the entire AOC family and especially by his patients.  He was the surgeon who was always present, truly cared and provided exceptional medical treatment to his patients over the years.

At this time, you usually say, “It will be hard to fill his shoes.”  However, we at AOC are excited to announce the arrival of another Zarzour to the AOC family.  In the summer of 2017, we at AOC will be proud to welcome that Dr. Grant Zarzour, who will be joining our practice as a Fellowship trained total joint surgeon

While it is hard to say good bye to Dr. Zarzour, it helps to know that another Zarzour arrival is just around the corner.

Thank you Dr. Zarzour for showing us at AOC, your patients and your community what a true gentleman looks like.