Monthly Archives: April 2016

Microdisectomy: Relief for Herniated Discs

Microdiscectomy: Relief for Herniated Discs

Microdisectomy: Relief for Herniated Discs

Do you or someone you know have a herniated or bulging disc? A minimally invasive procedure called Microdiscectomy could provide relief for pain caused by a lumbar herniated disc.

Herniated discs occur when the soft center of a spinal disc pushes through the tougher exterior casing. The herniated disc can press on the nerves near the spinal disc, resulting in pain. Herniated discs can affect any part of the spine, but are most frequently associated with the lower part (lumbar) of the spine.

Symptoms of herniated discs in the lower back are:
• Pain that radiates to the legs and feet – called Sciatica
• Tingling or numbness in the feet
• Muscle weakness

Herniated discs are one of the most common causes of back, neck, or leg pain (Sciatica). There are a variety of treatment options, both non-surgical and surgical. However, when non-surgical treatment no longer offers the desired results, Microdiscectomy could be an option.

Microdiscectomy is a minimally invasive procedure used by AOC’s Spine Team. The procedure removes the herniated or protruding portion of the disc, often using an operating microscope. Microdiscectomy spine surgery can relieve neural impingement by creating more room for the nerves to heal. This minimally invasive approach, with small incision site, offers the benefit of pain relief and faster recovery time.

Our skilled specialists understand lower back pain can limit mobility and the ability to perform life’s simplest activities. AOC has helped hundreds of patients find relief from back pain. Make an appointment today to consult with our fellowship, board certified AOC Spine Team of Dr. Donahoe and Dr. Revels for non-surgical and surgical treatment options. Call the Spine Line at 251-410-3604 or visit to schedule your appointment.

Spinal Stenosis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Our spine is made up of 33 bones. These bones and the discs between them are the passage for the spinal cord and nerves. The spinal cord connects the nerves of the body to the brain. But when the passageway starts to narrow, a condition called Spinal Stenosis can occur.

Stenosis can affect any part of the spine, thus narrowed area in the bones of the neck is called cervical stenosis and in the lower back is called lumbar stenosis.

When there is pressure on nerves inside the narrowed spinal canal, pain in the legs and low back can occur especially when walking. Pain may improve when leaning forward and bent at the waist like leaning over a shopping cart or a cane.

Due to the fact that stenosis may pinch the nerves that control muscle power and sensation in the legs, symptoms need to be observed as:
– Frequent falling, clumsiness
– Pain and difficulty when walking
– Numbness, tingling, hot or cold feelings in the legs

When non-surgical treatment is no longer an option, the fellowship trained, board-certified AOC Spine Team of Dr. Donahoe and Dr. Revels are skilled specialists who understand the dynamics of the spine and the importance of giving their patients an excellent quality of life.

Laminectomy, one procedure that is used by the Spine Team, actually creates space by removing the back part of the vertebra that covers your spinal canal. Also known to some as decompression surgery, laminectomy enlarges your spinal canal to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.

Practicing good spinal and joint health is key to reducing back problems. However, due to genetics, poor posture, degenerative disc disease, age and diseases like arthritis, sometimes problems just can’t be avoided.

The Spine Team at AOC is here for your questions and health care needs. Just call 251-410-3600 or visit our website at

Texting: A pain in the neck

Texting: A Real Pain in the Neck

Texting: A pain in the neck

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re hunched over your mobile phone or tablet. Did you know, bending your neck forward to look down at a mobile device can apply up to 60 lbs of pressure on your cervical spine?

A recent study suggested tilting the neck down, at varying degrees, to use a mobile device, can cause unnecessary strain on the cervical spine. To put this in perspective, take into account the average human head weighs about 10 to 12 pounds. If an individual tilts their head down to a 15-degree angle, the weight of the head increases to about 27 pounds.

Many Americans spend two to four hours per day looking down at a mobile device. Over time, the posture of bending the neck forward can cause a syndrome called “text neck.” Text neck syndrome is a group of symptoms developed specifically from the way people hold a mobile device. Text neck can also lead to early wear and tear or degenerative musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis.

Signs you might be experiencing text neck:
– Neck pain
– Shoulder pain
– Headaches
– Tension
– Difficulty moving the neck

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, AOC’s team of fellowship trained, board-certified, spine specialists, Dr. Kevin Donahoe, and Dr. Tim Revels are dedicated to alleviating pain and providing an improved range of motion for each patient. For more information, call – 251-410-3600 or visit our website –

Cervical Spine: Getting to Know Your Neck

Cervical Spine: Get to know your neck

Cervical Spine: Getting to Know Your Neck

Do you know where your cervical spine is? If you guessed your neck, you were correct. The cervical spine plays an instrumental role in the spinal column’s flexibility and range of motion. Your neck consists of seven bones (C1-C7), which are separated by intervertebral discs. These intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers during daily activity and allow the neck to move freely.

Our necks have a hefty job to perform: the cervical spine supports the weight of the head (the average human head weighs between 10-12 lbs). Supporting the weight of the head can leave the neck vulnerable to injuries and conditions that cause pain and restrict motion. For example, sometimes a disc can become diseased or the space between the vertebrae can narrow, causing the disc to press on the spinal cord. This creates pain, numbness or weakness. When these symptoms do not respond to nonsurgical types of treatment, then cervical disc surgery may be recommended.

Surgery for cervical disc disease is called discectomy. This surgical procedure involves removing a disc that is pinching a nerve or pressing on the spinal cord. Once the diseased disc is removed, spine specialists such as AOC’s fellowship trained, Dr. Kevin Donahoe and Dr. Tim Revels, will either use cervical fusion or replace the disc with an artificial implant.

Signs it might be time to see a spine specialist:
– Neck pain or stiffness
– Recurring headaches
– Pain that travels down into the shoulder or arms
– Weakness in shoulders, arms, hands, or legs
– Numbness in your arms – feeling of pins and needles

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, know that AOC’s team of fellowship trained spine specialists, Dr. Kevin Donahoe, and Dr. Tim Revels, are dedicated to alleviating pain and providing an improved range of motion for each patient. For more information, call the Spine Line at AOC – 251-410-3600 or visit our website –